Tuesday 3 March 2009

Girls Night In

The last post got posted late but I worked out how to back-date it so it appears when I wrote it. I just got busy and never got round to doing it. I’m such a slack blogger.

Life’s moved on a bit since then and although Evan keeps threatening to see me this was another weekend with all female company. A couple of the girls came round and we spent a credit crunch night in.

All last week I felt I ought to be going off him, you know taking it too slow, and him not seeming to be that bothered that he could never find the time to see me. I realised I am still soooo keen to see him again when my girls friends pointed out that I didn’t stop talking about him after my third glass of wine.

Here’s one to anyone who’s reading. Is it good blogger etiquette to mention friends names in the real world who also don’t know about your blog? I know people get into all sorts of trouble for talking about work stuff.


x said...

I have some people who I give fake names to and some (*who I know are cool*) whose real names I use...
it depends on your preference and how you think they'd react...IF you'd care, of course! :-)

Enjoying your blog...keep it up, sweets!

Riff Dog said...

Just use fake names if they don't know and approve.

FWIW, PLEASE don't use initials. That drives me buts because I can never keep them straight.

Southern Swinger said...

I vote for fake names.

Anonymous said...

def false names I tend to chose something that I can connect with the person but no one else would

ie I called one guy Neptune because his username on a dating site was Pluto